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Jonathan McGary

The Impact of Experience!

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

It is amazing to me, the impact that is made by experiential knowledge.

Recently I visited New York City (Manhattan) for the first time, along with my wife and children and guided by my oldest son; who had made his first visit to NYC 9 months earlier.

While there we visited many of the traditional landmarks and museums, and also trekked to several less famous areas, that our guide led us to from his previous experience.

It was an exciting trip filled with experiences and adventures that I will permeate memory for the rest of my days. Although it was a quick, rushed, and exhausting excursion, it rates as one of my favorite vacation destinations.

Before we went, I was confident it would be an eventful, enjoyable trip. What I was not prepared for, was how it would change my perspective ever since we have returned home.

Every time I hear someone mention anything about NYC, my mind begins to work, thinking about where in NYC that location would be, I find myself engrossed in a mental map identifying and locating the place of which they are speaking.

Anytime I see a picture of a building, or video in a TV show or movie, I find myself pointing out that is in Manhattan, long before it is identified as such.

I never did that before going to NY.


Because I had not been there before. I had never experienced it before.

Oh I knew that NYC was real. I knew that it was impressive for it’s size, architecture, and cultural amazements. I had heard about how incredible it was to visit.

But I had never been. My perspective, even my life, was changed by the experience.

Experiential knowledge is an amazing thing.

A relationship with God through Jesus Christ operates in much the same way. Knowing of God or about God, are very different than knowing God.

There are people that have never heard about the true and living God of the universe. The God of Heaven. The God of Creation. The God of the Bible.

They need someone to tell them. So they can know Him, not just about Him.

There are people who know of God, believe in God, are religious, go to church, pray, and maybe even read the Bible on occasion. But He is still distant to them.

They need someone to tell them that there is more to a knowing God than just what religion, ritual, and our own actions that we do can provide.

There are those that are true believers, that have confessed their sins and believed on Jesus and His saving work on the cross for them. They have confidence in a home in heaven, but struggle with confidence in the living of life on the journey until they get there.

They need someone to show them there is more than just holding on until it’s our time to go home.

We all fall into one of these groups. All of these groups have a similar issue, and have a similar need.

We need more than head knowledge, they need more than book knowledge. Although they need someone to tell them there is more, they need more still.

The Need is experiential knowledge.

Much like my experience in Manhattan changed my perspective, you need to see for yourself just what God can do.

So I am here to tell you.

To try and show you.

To invite you.

To know more.

To know the truth.

Now, I am far from perfect. Anyone who knows me, can tell you just how far from perfect I am. I know I will never be perfect in this life.

But that does not prevent me from wanting to tell you just how good God truly is.

It does not deter me from telling you that what he has done for me, He can, and will do for you.

To share with you, that no matter how little you know of God, He wants to know you and have a relationship with you!

Nor does it keep me from sharing, that no matter how long you have been in a Christian, or how close a relationship you have with Him…it can be better, and closer, and fuller.

I can tell you how God loves you so much, and wants a relationship with you so badly that He sent His only son to pay your price so that you can know Him and have such a relationship.

I can tell you how not only will He save you for all eternity and give you a home in Heaven, but that until you get there He will never leave you, walk with you, guide you and protect you along the way.

I can tell you of the mighty works that He has done, and the mighty works that He is still doing!

But what you really need is to experience Him for yourself.

So I invite you…rather God himself IS inviting you…

“Come and see the works of God, Who is awesome in His deeds toward the sons of men.” Psalm 66:5

And when you do…it will forever change your life, your perspective, you living, and you like me will beg people…

…to come and see.

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