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The God of Amazing Grace

Jonathan McGary

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

If you have NEVER read Psalm 106, I beg you to read it now.

If you have EVER read Psalm 106, I beg you to read it again.

Did you notice what I noticed?

This is a Psalm that describes MY God, and I hope yours, and if not, He can be yours today!

Psalm 106 begins like many other Psalms. It begins with words of praise and worship, declaring the goodness and everlasting kindness of our mighty God.

The Psalm then turns in verse 6 to a request for God’s favor to fall on the author of the Psalm and on the Nation of Israel, in the form of prosperity, joy and glory.

If we are not careful we may be tempted to skim the rest of the Psalm, as it is one of the longer Psalms in the Bible (48 verses). But, if we do, we would miss a most intriguing turn.

Beginning in verse 6 we find a confession of historical proportions, in which the author of the recounts 8 major moments when Israel rebelled against God and did not believe Him by faith.

  • Their lack of faith before crossing the Red Sea out of Egypt an God divided the Red Sea and they excaped the Egyptians on ground.

  • Their lack of faith in God's provision in the wilderness when they had no meat. and God provided Quail for all the people.

  • Their envy of Moses and Aaron, and God opened up the earth and swallowed the offenders.

  • The worshipping of the golden calf while Moses was on the mountain receiving the 10 commandments.

  • The people believed the 10 spies and refused to enter the promised land of Canaan.

  • They worshipped the Baal of Peor.

  • The complaining of lack of water and Moses disobeyed in striking the rock.

  • The failure to completely drive out the people that inhabited Canaan, which led to their falling into worshipping false god’s and human sacrifice.

With each account of rejection and denial we find that God in His infinite grace delivers, protects, and provides for the people of Israel, despite their wickedness, rebellion, and rejection of Him and His ways.

This confession concludes with an eye opening revelation that Israel fell so far away from God that not only did they worship false god’s and turn away from the One True God of Yahweh, but they sacrificed their own children, murdering them and offering them as offerings to these false god’s

Then in verses 44-46 we see this great declaration of God’s amazing grace. Even though God’s people violated the covenant with God over and over again, we find these words:

The Psalm ends with a plea for God to save them, and to rescue them from the world along with a closing offering of praise and worship.

This worship is a declaration of Thankfulness to God for confession of God’s eternal nature, and invites others to acknowledge and confirm this God of Amazing Grace

But here is the what I noticed and what stood out to me:

The Author included himself in the confession of sin! So often we are tempted to blame others, to cast stones, and accusations at others for our problems and failures. Yet we are all guilty, and therefore we must take responsibility and accountability for our sins if we are to truly experience God’s forgiveness and blessing.

But also what I noticed and what stood out is just how patient, merciful and full of grace our amazing God truly is!

The God of this Psalm, the God of Israel, and this psalmist, is same God of the Bible and creator of the universe today!

The same grace that was shown to Israel is the same grace that is being shown and will be shown in our world today.

This grace is being shown today.

The grace is available for you today.

Won’t you today and everyday turn to this God of Amazing Grace!

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