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Church Altar

As a SBC affiliated church we adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message

Below we have listed some of our core beliefs as a church body.  For more information please 


We believe that the God of the Bible is the only true living God.  We believe in a Triune God, 3 in one yet one in three consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  God the Father makes up one part of the Trinity.  God created the universe via a direct act and has had a plan for the redemption of man from the beginning.  He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the End. 

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus is the incarnate God the Son, part of the Trinity that makes up the God-Head.  We believe Jesus has always existed as God, that He, as the promised Messiah was born as a baby to a virgin woman, that He lived a holy, sinless life as an example for us, and that He offered Himself a sacrifice for us as the payment for our sin and satisfying sin's debt in full.  We believe that he rose from the grave on the 3rd day, demonstrating his Deity and the acceptance, by God the Father for sin's payment.  He later ascended into Heaven and will one day come again.

The Holy Spirit 

The third member making up the Trinity, and equally God.  He is the comforter that was sent by God upon Jesus ascension into Heaven.  He is the person who indwells all true believers upon their salvation.  He serves to help us understand scripture as well as convict us of sin and communicate the will of God to our lives.  

The Bible 

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God.  That it's 66 books are perfect and complete and have been supernaturally preserved for us today as God's primary method of communication to man.  It is a letter of love, hope and provides the great news and plan of salvation for all who will believe.  It is also a book of Instruction, correction, and wisdom.  It is profitable, applicable, and relevant for us today.  


We believe that mankind was created on the sixth day of creation by the direct of God.  That mankind was created differently, in that man was formed from the dust of the ground and that God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul, and was also made in the image of God.  Mankind has been given dominion over the rest of creation and to be stewards of it.  Mankind fell in sin after being tempted by Satan to disobey God.  Mankind became lost in a sinful condition, and was separated from the presence of God, and that condition was passed on to all mankind.  Redemption from sin was provided for via the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. 


To sin means to miss the mark of God's standard.  Sin is both a condition that mankind inherits from birth as well as acts of sin committed by man.  Sin came about due to Adam and Eve's yielding to the temptation of Satan in the Garden of Eden and ends in the death and separation of sinful mankind from a Holy, Sinless God.  This sinful condition is passed on to every member of mankind.  Redemption through Salvation is required to restore the relationship of man to God.  


Salvation is provided for mankind by God through the express work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  Through the death, burial, and resurrection of mankind, the sinful condition of mankind is atoned for through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  Whoever will believe on Jesus Christ as accept by faith the payment on the cross for their sin, while repenting of their sin and turning to Christ alone.  We are saved by grace through faith, it is the gift of God and not of works of any kind.  It cannot be earned, deserved, or inherited.  It is a free gift of God offered provided our the depths of God's love and mercy.  Through Salvation we receive a future eternal home in Heaven with God.  Without the acceptance of Salvation man is condemned to hell and separation from God for all eternity. 

The Church

The Church is the instrument of God's choosing in this age for the proclamation of the Gospel.  The church is body of Christ and is made up of repentant believers who have accepted salvation through Christ alone, have been baptized by immersion, as a public sign of their relationship with Christ and joined with other believers to form the local church.  The primary purpose of the church is worship God and follow His will in spreading the message of the Gospel and teaching all things that Jesus commanded.

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