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A Daily Reminder #10

Jonathan McGary

In the years leading up to the judgment of God upon Jerusalem and the people of Judah, God had sent warning after warning of coming judgment unless the people turn back to Him. Jeremiah, Habakuk, and Ezekiel gave clear and strong warning to the King and religious leaders in that day. Yet the people failed to listen, the king, priests and false prophets shared messages of good tidings and peace that were contrary to God’s message, falsely claiming they were the ones speaking the truth from God and to ignore the ominous warnings from God’s rue servants.

Today we need to be reminded that just as there were in those days, that today there are politicians, religious leaders, and self proclaimed servants of God that are preaching a false message and promoting a false hope.

Be careful who you follow, trust, and look to for hope and direction in today’s world. Not everyone that claims to have a Word from the Lord, or professes to be a Pastor or preacher has been called by God to share His message of Truth.

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  3041 Six Mile Hwy Central, SC 29630 


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